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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Super Bowl, Lady Gaga, US Political Landscape

A friend of mine posted an article form USA and World Report talking about the subliminal messages from Lady Gaga's performance last night. This is my response:
This is what is wrong with America, right here! Yeah, I'm pissed. I am not a fan of hers or her political views; she kept politics out of the performance. We could nit pick and song sung by anyone and come up with the most ridiculous comparisons to support our own beliefs. She did what a performer was paid to do last night, entertain. What if she sang "Raindrops keep falling on my head" Would that be construed as imagery of Hillary supporters? Good LORD! Hell, even Limbaugh today is trying to spew his bombastic rhetoric on how the Superbowl was a win for the right! What BS. Everyone I talked to that voted for Trump wanted to see the Falcons win. Does that make them hypocrites? NO! Just like baseball fans who want to see the Yankees lose, they wanted the Patriot Dynasty to fall. This is how far our country is sinking. I'm waiting for a Flash News Bulletin to come out that those who wipe with their right hand are conservative and left hand liberal. Ludicrous? Not at all. It is the mind set of the mindless media. Folks, get a life and enjoy the show for what it was. Good Grief! .

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