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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

America after 911. Where are we today?

            Eighteen years ago, Americans woke up to another promising summer day. At 8:46am we sat in shock and awe at the news of a plane striking the North World Trade Tower. Initial reports were sketchy and unclear on what was happening.
            Could this have been an accident? Was it pilot error or equipment malfunction? While the news agencies attempted to digest the first crash, I was running every scenario I could draw upon to understand what had happened. At 9:03, everything changed. This wasn’t a random act-America was under attack. I walked into the office and one of the men asked me what I thought was happening. “We’re at war.”
            Shock turned to horror to anger. Who performed this cowardly act and why? America came together as they did on December 7th, 1941. We were all galvanized in a common goal of bringing those responsible to justice. If that meant war, then so be it. We had been attacked without provocation.
            We saw our elected officials finally stand together, holding hands and signing. It was time for petty political bickering to cease and take care of business. Even the press was onboard. But, unlike our parents and grandparents who thrived with a patriotic fervor for almost thirty years, our unity would be short lived. In less than three years, the press and democrats began questioning the President. The days of standing as one, were over. The daily business of pointless political bantering once again became the norm.
            Eighteen years later the landscape of the press and the political climate is no loner in the interest of the American public; they are solely pushing political agendas and damn the country.
            I’ve heard all of the reasons on why this had happened but none of them hold water!
            It’s twitter, Facebook, snapchat, tumbler, google, blogs or a host of other social media sites. Some will say it’s the liberal presses fault or the few conservative outlets that are spreading the hate, the lies, the disinformation and the dissension. To a small degree those are fair assumptions. But where does the real problem lay?
            Our parents and grandparents, whether democrat, republic or independent grew up in a country where law and order were respected. Teachers, police, first responders and parents were respected. They were the ones molding the upcoming generations to be good citizens that would be accountable for their actions. This started changing with the formation of the Department of Education and allowing the courts to interfere with the operations of the public-school system. If a student felt they were being unjustly treated or had to participate in a school activity, such as gym class, they were no longer forced to. Forced to? I think not. It was part of growing up and learning how to accept defeat and disappointment. We didn’t receive participation trophies for showing up, we earned a trophy for finishing first, second or third, nor for showing up!
            I believe the first case that set the precedent was in Arkansas where there was a dress and hair code. Little Johnny’s hair was too long and the principal told him to go home and get it cut. A suit was filed and little Johnny’s parents won. While on the surface this might seem trivial; it wasn’t! More suits were filed through the years with similar rulings and repercussions. The High School I attended in Tulsa, Oklahoma, 76-78, became a shell of the school I knew. Why is it necessary to have police on campus? The only time I saw an officer in High School is when I was parking with my date or getting a ticket. Not on campus! Yet, that is now the norm. Why?
            Some call it progress. Progress indeed! Is putting law and order, accountability and personal responsibility on the shelf, progress? I think not. But that is the norm and it must stop! Imagine if the men that invaded, North Africa, Sicily, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany would have held a collective vote. Do think we would have defeated the Japanese at Midway, Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima, Okinawa if present day attitudes had infected our military? NO! And let us not forget about the Airmen and Naval personal who swept the skies clear of Axis planes and cleared the sea routes of enemy intruders. With today’s thinking, it wouldn’t he happen and we’d be speaking German, Japanese or Italian. That’s a fact, Jack.
            With that said, the core problem has yet to be identified. It’s right there in front of your face. If it was a snake you’d have already been bitten. Well, if it’s so damn obvious, why can’t I see it? Look closer and harder. See it yet? No? Then pull out a mirror. That’s right, it’s you and us. We are the problem. We have let social media and the press, right or left influence every post and story. How many of you post useless meme’s degrading an opposing party thinking it’s funny or cute? How many futile arguments have you engaged in then retreated to your blanket fort or a tub of comfort food because the world is so mean and evil. Well, remember, you contributed to it and then ran away. If you have a valid point to make that adds to a discussion, research than comment, not vice-a-versa. And be ready for dissenting comments because in today’s climate you will have to be personally accountable for your actions. Can you handle that? Sure. You only have to turn off your phone, computer, laptop or tablet and the problem will go away, right? Wrong! It will only fester and continue to grow.
            Some say there is no way we can ever come together again. That is more media mind bending. Don’t believe me, then try this on for size. College football and the NFL seasons have kicked off. Between sixty to one hundred and ten thousand fans pack a stadium every weekend to watch THEIR team play. It is a fervent and sometime rabid atmosphere. Do you think for one minute all of those fans are from one political party? Do you think they all have the same likes and dislike? Do you think they will agree on the plays the coach calls during the game? Highly unlikely but they do have one common thread, they are cheering for their team. And that is what is missing in our society today. Instead of routing for the team, America, we are too consumed with supporting individual players. And since the players know that, they will act accordingly even if it isn’t in the best interests of the team. When that happens, what do the owners or coaches do with such an individual? They have a short “Come to Jesus Meeting” and give them a choice, join the team or you’re gone. That’s right, they were just held accountable for their actions.
            That is what is sorely lacking in America today. How can people work together when they spend all their time giving press conferences and discussing how they can’t agree on what color toilet paper they should be using. I know that’s a ludicrous example, but that is the climate in Washington DC today. The color doesn’t matter, the issue is, does it work. Color is irrelevant!
            It is time for us as a nation, We the People, to take back what our forefathers and ancestors fought and died for; a land of liberty, justice, freedom and accountability.  

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