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Sunday, April 4, 2021

COVID update we 4-4-2021


COVID 19 update 30,695,541 total cases, 554,302 deaths. New cases, 365,916, a decrease of, 154,965 30 % 5,925 deaths last week a decrease of 959, 14 %. Deaths per day, 1,518 since WE 4-29. Down 13 per day from last week. Deaths/day WE 4-4, 872. A decrease of 115/day. Six states still account for 25.446% of cases and 30% of deaths: NY, NJ, CT, CA, MA, WA. TX and FL 4,878,574 16% of cases and 82,482 deaths, 15%. It is the 4th leading cause of death in the US. Death rate versus known cases, US infection rate, 2.3688%, mortality rate, .1680%. States with the biggest increase over 10% from previous week: Zero. All other states were stable at 1-2% increase. US accounts for 23.496% of known cases and 19.485% of mortalities, worldwide. Good to see this number slowly coming down. Comparison to other countries mortalities to population: Bosnia .2049% England .1903%, Italy .1837%, US .1680%, Mexico .1629%, Spain .1620%, Peru .1619%, Brazil .1576%, France .1469%, Sweden .1310%, Of the developed countries, Australia is holding steady with no new mortalities reported at 908. They’ve lost one person since WE-11-29-2020. These numbers come from the CDC and John Hopkins.  

          US recovery rate of those testing positive is 98.19%.

          The big four results. NY continues to report a 3% increase each week. FL 2% TX 1% and CA 1%, Thought Cuomo had this beat, according to his book. Yet, each week the numbers keep going up. Good job Andrew.   

          Here’s a new stat worth looking at, mortalities per country: Brazil 330,1933, Mexico 204,011, India 164,623, United Kingdom 126,826, Italy 110,704. Haven’t heard anything on Brazil have you?  On another note, Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador have a combined 2% infection rate and our border is open to them why?

          I missed this week’s press conference from the female from the CDC. From what I’ve rad and heard, it was nothing but another heartfelt sob fest. Very professional. Wasn’t this the week we would see skyrocketing numbers from the Spring Break reveler’s? Yes, it was. How’d that pan out? Cases were down 154,965, from last week. Tell me were the explosion and gloom and doom are! Why isn’t the media jumping up and down about the MLB opening. They couldn’t wait to condemn the Super Bowl in a red state and how the virus would explode. It didn’t happen. So why is the MLB getting a pass? Simple, A whole lot of Blue states will benefit economically from the season and the media isn’t going to castigate their own states, are they? Nope.   

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