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Saturday, July 22, 2017

#Movie Review #Dunkirk

Very disappointed. It was historically in accurate. Nolan would have you think this happened in two days. Far from the truth. And the soundtrack never stopped. Instead of letting the actors create the drama, he tried to do it with the musical score. Overdone. The air battles started out well enough and then they continued with the same scenario. Why wasn't the bay filled with all the sunken the Germans bombed. Where was the British and French equipment that littered the beaches during the evacuation? There is a scattering of night scenes followed directly by a day scene. And what of the scene where the mole is being pounded by high seas and the camera goes back and the seas are calm? I could not over look the lone JU-87 preparing to bomb the pier and is somehow shot down by a Spitfire that has run out of fuel and is gliding at 500!? Did not care at all for the editing. Felt like watching a tennis match. The constant switch from land, to air, to sea did nothing but interrupt the flow. 

It's a shame Nolan didn't take the time to read up on the history or at least watch a few films on how to make a good historical World War Two movie: Tora,Tora,Tora, A Bridge Too Far, Das Boot, The Battle of Britain, Patton and Saving Private Ryan.

Two star push

The only plus, I saw the movie with my son.

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