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Sunday, July 18, 2021

COVID 19 Update WE 7-19-2021


COVID 19 update 34,032,403 total cases, 608,152 deaths. New cases 219,011, an increase of 86,955 from last week. Deaths 1,863, up 289 from last week.A mount of new cases reported has held steady at 1.79% for the last ten weeks. Mortalities were 259/ day, a decrease of 299 per day last week. Overall the number has dropped to 1,078/day.

Worldwide Ranking mortalities/population, Bosnia .2928%, Brazil .2584%, Columbia .2301%. Italy .2122%, Peru .2045%, (???-problem with numbers) England .1931%, Mexico .1887%, US .1832%, Spain .1735%, France .1697% and Sweden .1422%. Top countries in mortalities, US 608K, Brazil 533K, India 408k and Mexico 234K.  Six states, NY, NY CT, CA, MA, WA.  account for 25.338% of cases and 29% of mortalities. TX and FL respectively 16% and 15%. NJ has the most cases/population at 12%. Of the big four, new cases reported, NY 5,825, CA 24,109, TX 21,012 and FL 45,449.

          Worldwide, things are looking up. US accounts for 18.388% of cases and 14,897% of mortalities. Is there a surge going on? The numbers say yes. Increases of the big four NY 68%, CA 88%, TX 70% and FL 91%. If you listen and watch the news, you’d swear it was only red states that had a problem. When are the networks going to stop politicizing this virus? States that reported more than 100 deaths last week: FL 238, CA 212, TX 179 and AZ 115.

          In regards to our Northern and Southern border, Canada and the US have agreed not to open the border until July 31, 2021, yet Biden and Harris have no problem with an open border to the South. Why is our Southern border still open and why are these asylum seekers not being screened?  

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