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Friday, December 11, 2020

Some eye-opening numbers on the battle ground states.



Corrected COPY. A friend pointed out, which I didn’t take into account, Georgia had two special elections in November. Explains why the Georgia numbers were so skewed. I apologize for that.

            This morning, I was listening to CNN and the anchors brought up an interesting point, as they laughed, why aren’t the Republicans complaining about the Senate and House results, yet are only focused on the Presidential vote. I got thinking, what does the overall vote, especially in the battle states look like. The results were rather eye opening and unless I’ve missed it, none of the networks, including FOX have made mention of this. The most eye-opening state is Georgia: Here comes the correction. I’m leaving the initial post up for comparison: There were two special elections of which I didn’t take into account. One ticket had 4,330,842 votes, the second 4,952,440. That is much more in line. Using the high number 16,953 more votes were cast in the Senate race then the Presidential. (They have 7.6 million registered voters. 4.935,487 voted for President. 7,727385 voted in the Senate races(?) Really? 2,791,898 more votes for the Senate races? Yet for the House races, only 4,883,4785 were cast. And I went through the numbers multiple time to make sure my eyes weren’t deceiving me.) Arizona showed a similar trend, but not as egregious. 3,333,829 Presidential race. 3,354,128 for Senate an increase of 20,299. (?) House races 3,268,834.00. These are the differences in other states where fewer votes for House races versus presidential votes were cast: Penn, 57,687, WI, 72,980.00, MI, Senate 77,324, House 145,324.00 and NV, 62,295. Let’s look at the percentage of registered voters in these states that voted. The numbers are impressive GA, 65%, PN 88%, WI 88%, AZ 78%, MI 68% and NV 86%, My question is this, did people really only vote for the future President and nothing else? We won’t know until a forensic analysis of all votes is performed by each state. That would entail matching voter rolls to signatures, proof of residence and valid identification of US citizenship. I am not in favor of disenfranchising millions of votes as the MSM keeps spouting, but I am in favor of eliminating those that were not properly filled out, not signed, no proof of residence, etc.  Now before my liberal associates blow a gasket and fire back with “We won, deal with it.” I ask them to look at the numbers, (especially GA-delete), with an open mind and tell me how that math adds up. To quote Arty Johnson, “Very interesting.”

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