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Sunday, December 27, 2020

COVID Update 12-27-2020


COVID 19 update 19,073,776 total cases.332,011 deaths. New cases up 1,224,107 from last week, a drop(!) of 24% . 14,891 deaths last week a drop(!) of 22%. Deaths per day, 1,243 since WE 4-19. up 24 per day from last week. Deaths/day WE 12-27, 2,114. A drop of 634 day! Six states still account for 22.465% of cases and 30% of deaths: NY, NJ, CT, CA, MA, WA. TX and FL 2,933,423, 15% of cases and 48,196 deaths, 15%. It is the 4th leading cause of death in the US. Death rate versus known cases, 1.75% and falling. US infection rate, .1.2951%, mortality rate, .1006%. States with the biggest increases: WV. -37. This is a drop of fifteen states from last week!  Worldwide, US accounts for 23.673% of known cases and 18.7887% of mortalities. Comparison to other countries mortalities to population: Italy .1189%, Peru, .1134%, Spain .1066%, England .1056% US .1066% Mexico .0975%, France .0955%, Brazil .0911%, Armenia .0928% and Columbia .0833%. Sweden that didn’t shut down .00804%. These numbers come from the CDC and John Hopkins.

Why isn’t the MSM covering these numbers? Someone explain that to me? The numbers dropped precipitously this week! No, they are now focusing on the vaccines aren’t coming out fast enough. Yeah, that’s the words from the mouthpiece Dana Bash of the Communist News Network. She had Gretchen Witless Whitmore on this morning complaining about not getting their fair share. Shocking, coming from a democrat That goes for FOX also. I guess covering the NFL  match-up of the Eagles and Cowboys is more groundbreaking. My ass! Anybody still think they are getting real news today?

Last thought, thank you Governor Cuomo for having a spike of 78,225 new cases. An increase of 9% from last week. Good job, you moron.

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