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Sunday, May 23, 2021

COVID Update we 5-22-2021


COVID 19 update 33,238,442 total cases, 594,188 deaths. New cases, 316,629, a increase of 108,507. 3,669 deaths last week an increase of 5,794. Deaths per day, 1,421 since WE 4-29. Down 1 per day from last week. Deaths/day WE 5-15, 592. A decrease of 12/day. Six states account for 25.063% of cases and 27% of deaths: NY, NJ, CT, CA, MA, WA. TX and FL 5,234,821 16% of cases and 86,535 deaths, down 535 from last week. 15%. It is the 4th leading cause of death in the US. Death rate versus known cases, US infection rate, 2.5245%, mortality rate, .1801% New Jersey and New York have the highest rate of mortalities versus population at 11%. US recovery rate, 98.21%. US accounts for 19.933% of known cases and 17.197% of mortalities, worldwide. Good to see this number slowly coming down. Comparison to other countries mortalities to population: Bosnia .2759%, Brazi.2139%, Italy .2077%, Peru .2045%,  England .1915%, US .1801%, Mexico .1770%, Spain .1704%, France .1649%, Sweden .1395%, No change with Australia. More good news, of the countries. Numbers come from the CDC and John Hopkins.  

          US recovery rate of those testing positive is 98.22%.

          Here’s a new stat worth looking at, mortalities per country: Brazil 448,208, Mexico 221,597, India 270,284, United Kingdom 127,668, Italy 125,153.

          The news is filled with what’s going on in India. Why hasn’t Brazil received the same coverage? They are second in the world in mortalities, but not a peep from anyone.

          I usually add in states with the biggest increase in mortalities. Not this week. Why? The only way to describe it is number manipulation. Over the last year I’ve pointed out discrepancies when they arose. Holidays were usually the culprit in the reporting. That isn’t the case this week.  It is a sad day when the top agencies we rely to supply correct information can’t be trusted. So, what did I find. The following states had drastic decreases in total mortalities from last week and even some have lowered the total amount of cases for the state. Cumulatively, there was a 16,557 drop from last week. NY-9,808, Ill, -2,169, CA -977, MI -812, MD -126, GE -661, In -336, MN -22, CO -70, WI -371, NB -130, MO -383, KS -22, DE -142, AR -1,179, PR -300, ND -278 and Guam -1. In total cases, NY dropped their number by -4,003 an CA -96,217. How does this happen? This is the very reason I’ve been doing my own research despite being ridiculed at times.  

          If you listened to MSNBc or CNN last week, they were lasered in on TX and how it was exploding but didn’t mention a word about CA, 356 and MI 302 deaths the prior week. TX reported 282. Why? Because this has become a political weapon.

          I would also like to discuss the meme floating around with a supposed doctor holding a sign why he hasn’t seen polio or smallpox cases anymore-vaccines. This person who posted added the title “enough said.” The majority of us have had our shots so we could go to school. Nothing wrong with that unless you are an anti-vaccer, based on the rise in autistic cases. Before COVID, how many meme’s, posts do you remember seeing concerning the ingredients in vaccines? I saw a lot and mercury was always at the top of the list. Hell, I even went to a Chiropractor that was part of the movement. No, I didn’t subscribe to that thinking, just fix my back and we’re good.

          The smallpox and polio vaccines, while heralded, had the same blow back. The main difference was the time it took to develop these medications. Small pox, about 150 years, and polio twenty plus.  The main difference from then to today is, they knew what they were fighting. These viruses weren’t constantly mutating as COVID 19 is. People are skeptical because the quote, “science” keeps changing on a weekly basis. We’re now being told we might need a booster shot in two years if not earlier. Why? It keeps mutating. The media did no one a favor by politicizing this disease in hopes of unseating a sitting president, but they did. Rather than looking at why some Americans don’t want the shot, they zero in on why Trump supporters refuse to take the shot. Why? To push a political agenda.

          I have friends on both sides of the aisle that have received their shots and some have chosen not to. Why? Because of the potential side effects and the misinformation that keeps coming out. Polio and Smallpox wasn’t politicized like COVID-19 has and is being. I mean, why is FOX so focused on where it came from? I argued this point back in the late Spring, when there was talk that China would be fined if it is proven they deliberately released on the world. You really think China will pay it? Think about the reparations Germany was forced to pay the allies after World War One. Yeah, that didn’t turn out to well did it?

          The focus today and in the months to come must be on the virus and only the virus and how to combat it. But that won’t happen until those in charge, the WHO, NIH and CDC stop giving interviews and refocus their efforts on what is important-defeating the virus and its ability to mutate. When that happens, then maybe, just maybe, they will regain the confidence of the people and everyone will be able to make an informed decision.   

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