United States versus the State of Israel
Seventy-six years ago, the most brutal war known to man came to an end-World War Two in Europe. The Axis powers of Italy and Germany were soundly defeated. The big three, the United States, Great Britain and Russia rejoiced. They would now turn their attention to the last remaining foe of the Tripartite Alliance-Japan. In August of 45, her time would also run out with the vaporizing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, saving countless allied lives. But starting in January of this year, the most brutal crimes of mankind began surfacing.
For over three years, stories kept seeping out of unimaginable atrocities; the systematic extermination of a race and those deemed undesirable on an industrial scale. For the most part, they fell on deaf ears. No civilized, cultured, advanced society could possibly undertake such an operation.
On January 27, 1945, the stories and myths were no longer that, they became a reality when the Russians liberated Auschwitz. For the last three and-a-half years, the Russians had borne the brunt of the weight of the Wehrmacht and SS. They had seen their hamlets, towns and cities raised to the ground. They’d seen millions of their brethren and family brutalized. But never had they seen such horrors as this. The million who died holding Stalingrad and Leningrad could be justified. This could not. The discovery was passed on to their allies who were concerned but even they had a hard time digesting the news. It wasn’t until they came through the gates of Buchenwald, Bergen-Belson and Dachau that the full extent could be comprehended. Eisenhower was so appalled, he instructed the press corps to use every bit of film they had to document what they were witnessing. He said, if we don’t document what we’ve uncovered, in a hundred years, no one will believe it happened. He was right. The camps also answered the questions for many of our servicemen and women, why their lives were interrupted and they were engaged in another European affair; the preservation of humanity.
For thousands of years, the Jewish race has been waiting to return to the promised land. In 1948, the UN formed the state of Israel as a concession for the horrors they endured in the camps that were built for their extermination. It was not a peaceful transfer. The Arab countries, that supported the Nazi’s, had no intention of accepting the mandate. Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Iraqi have spent the last seventy-three years attempting to dislodge and eliminate the state. Each and every time they have been met with fierce resistance and been defeated. If the UN wouldn’t have intervened in the six-day war, the Star of David would be flying over Cairo, Beirut and possibly Damascus. While the US has not sent troops into any of these conflicts, our undying support for the existence of Israel has never wavered, until today.
Hundreds of books and papers have been written on how a country as sophisticated and deep in history and world culture could elect a man, such as Adolph Hitler, and allow him and his administration to carry out the “Final Solution.” Why did thousands stand by during Kristallnacht and not raise a finger? Why would neighbors stand by and watch their own neighbors be whisked off into the night without uttering word? Why? State run media and propaganda. It didn’t happen overnight.
As Hitler gained power, he began implementing policies and laws that targeted those he deemed undesirable and responsible for all the ills of Germany and their disastrous defeat in the Great War. Those polices were passed onto the education system where young minds were malleable and easily manipulated. It didn’t stop there. Parents began believing the lies of the Nazi Propaganda machine and believed the Jews were responsible for everything that was wrong in their lives, even if they themselves were prosperous. They should have more. They should have their fair share and the only way to obtain more wealth was by eliminating the competition in any manner available.
History is starting to repeat itself, in an avenue, ten years ago, couldn’t be imaginable. Members of Congress, Ilhan Omar, Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Talib have taken to the floor questioning support of our staunchest ally in the Middle East and supporting the terrorist organization Hamas? Why? Even Bernie Sanders is questioning our country’s support for Israel. Based on Bernie’s comments, I can’t help but think, what a fine Kapo he would have made. President Biden said, he defends Israel’s right to defend himself, but didn’t come out and say, the United States stands behind Israel one hundred percent and will do everything in our countries ability to maintain its sovereignty against aggressors. That is the message that should have been sent and sent hard! Instead he only recites meaningless platitudes in an effort to appease the radical part of his party. If he was serious, he would have called them in and told them in no uncertain terms, the United States stands behind Israel to the hilt. This is the difference between Biden and Trump, Trump played to no party. He was vilified by the left, many on the right and of course the media. He must have felt like Churchill when it appeared the Nazis would soon be knocking on the door of #10 Downing street. While the politicians wanted to avoid another costly war, Churchill took the matter to the people and the people said, emphatically, NO surrender! No peace! His speech to the House of Commons was dicey at best. He knew the majority were against him, but he persevered and laid out one of many of his rousing speeches that galvanized a country and stood their ground against insurmountable odds. Damn good thing he did.
Imagine how today’s press would describe Churchill and FDR. An obese, drunken, cigar smoking, egomaniac with visions of grandeur and the old womanizing, cigarette smoking man in a wheelchair. Their accomplishments wouldn’t be hailed, they would be vilified with every despicable adjective the media could muster up. Did the media hail Trump for moving our embassy to Jerusalem? Hardly.
We are witnessing the same thing in the United States today. How many posts have you seen from your liberal friends/associates who want Israel held accountable for defending themselves? I’ve seen too many and for the most part have blocked or deleted them. It is nothing short of hate speech and anti-Semitism of which the social media giants say they are not allowing. If that’s the case, then why are these meme’s and comments becoming prolific? Because the media and educational institutions are pushing the agenda. Sound familiar? It should.
Twenty years ago, our country came together in the fight against terrorism. We were united as one and wanted revenge for the cowardly acts of the world trade center, the Pentagon and Shanksville. We, as a people, galvanized as our parents and grand-parents did on December 7th, 1941 and demanded justice. Now, there are too many supporting Hamas and Hezbollah and the injustice done to them even though they fired the first shots as they did when they tried to attack Israel through Lebanon back in 2006. Once again, the UN stepped in to create a so-called buffer zone.
Perhaps the League of Nations should have stepped in and set-up safe zones for the Germans and Japanese? We know how those types of zones worked during the Vietnam War. You can attack here not here. 58,000 men and women paid the price for that stupidity. Our brave men of the Airforce and Marine Corps paid a terrible price in lost live and plans as our enemy knew exactly what they could and could not attack. Again, utter stupidity!
And let’s not forget, President Biden has pledged at least 235 million to help Palestine rebuild. Maybe FDR should have given money to Germany and Japan to rebuild the cities we were bombing into oblivion to show how humane we are with a stipulation, don’t use that money for military purposes. Yeah, I’m sure they would have followed that directive.
I stand with Israel one hundred and ten percent to exist, not just defend itself!
For those who need a reminder of names from the past, let me list them: Mauthausen, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Buchenwald, Sobibor, Treblinka, Theresienstadt, Ravensbruck, Belzec, Cheimno, Gross-Rosen, Janowska, Kaiserwald, Majdaneck, Natzweiler-Struthof, Neuengamme, Oranienburg, Plaszow, Stutthof, Terezin, Westerbork. Over nine million perished in these camps including POW’s.
When people are silent and the media and educational system are corrupted, history will repeat itself and once again, historians will ask the same question, “how could this have happened, again?”
I highly recommend the following books for additional information.
Raquela by Ruth Garber
My Mother’s Ring by Dana Cornell
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