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Sunday, December 26, 2021

COVID UPDATE WE 12-26-2021


         COVID 19 update 52,054,980 total cases, 814,891 deaths. New cases 1,315,928 an increase of 422,085 from last week. Deaths 10,133, up 1,102 from last week. Mortalities are 1,447 day, an increase of 156 per day from last week. The average death toll per day for the last 725 days is 1,123 an increase of 3 from last week.

         Worldwide Ranking mortalities/population, Peru .6228%, Bosnia .4020%, Brazil .2953%, Columbia .2577%, Argentina .2566%, US .2469%, Mexico .2386%, Italy .2266%, England .2218%, Spain .1905%, and Sweden .1482%. Top countries in mortalities, US 814K, Brazil 618K, India 479k and Mexico 298K. Top mortality countries last week, US 10.133 Russia 6,883 India 2.524 and Mexico 1,291. Six states, NY, NY CT, CA, MA, WA. account for 23.374% of cases and 29% of mortalities. TX and FL respectively 16% and 17%. FL has the highest infection rate/population 18%. NY, NJ, 16%, TX, MA 15%, and CA. CN, 13%. Of the big four, new cases reported, NY 170,061, FL 116,065, CA 86,260, and TX  54,791. They account for 32% of the new cases reported. Survival rate is 98.43% of those infected.

Worldwide, the US accounts for 21.890% of cases and 13,992% of mortalities. States that reported more than 100 deaths were 25, a decrease of 1 from last week. TN 2,353, OH 692, PN 672, MI 605, AZ 467, CA 402, NY 385, Il 364, WI 350 and IN 311.   

         Vaccination rates 48.4% Worldwide. United States 61.6%.

All of these numbers are generated from information obtained from the CDC and John Hopkins.


         What do the numbers suggest? Good question. As of right now, since Biden’s inauguration, he’s responsible for 48% of new cases and 43%, of mortalities since Feb 6th, 2021. Remember when the media blamed Trump for everything and Biden said he had a plan and would defeat the virus.? Yeah, how’s that working out? This is a virus, plain and simple and no rhetoric is going to defeat it. It really is that simple unless you’ve been brainwashed by the MSM and believe all the crap they keep spouting off.

         And speaking of the MSM, are you good scared shitless right now because of the Omicron variant? According to them, you should be. But if you’ve been following the numbers let me remind you of this, the top week of infection was 1-10-2021, 1,777,619 new cases. WE 12-26-2021 is the seventh highest recorded rate of infection at 1,315,928. Bottom line, as I’ve stated many times, the scientists, politicians and media don’t have a clue what they are fighting or what they are talking about.

         With that said, let’s look at a few important numbers, last week the death rate for the world was 5,349,699. Week prior 5,301,714 and the preceding week was 5,284,669. Yet, this week the number was 4,823,800! Don’t believe me? Type in COVID 19 and it will take you to the site I’ve been drawing these number from. How in the heel can they report a decrease of 525,899 in mortalities? Another interesting note is MD has not reported one death in the last two weeks while all other states including, Guam, NMI, PR and USVI are all showing increases. Perhaps Maryland has figured something out. Now, as you all know, I don’t watch any of the news channels because their unmitigated bias. Last thing I heard was how cases were exploding in MI and of course, FOX just went nuts over that. I know, shocking. And, I think CNN was hollering about Florida again. Why isn’t anyone talking about NY and TN? If you have information on that, please post a comment.   

         I know this last line is redundant, but I stand by it! It would be wise for all them to shut the hell up and actually do some work instead of jockeying for camera time: politicians, scientists and bobble-head anchors.   

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