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Sunday, December 5, 2021

Guinea Pigs of the 70's and 80's.

 "They say you get what you pay for, but in this case, you get MUCH more than you pay for, especially for something that currently costs nothing. Since I was born in the late 1950s, I am certainly a child of the '60s and '70s and beyond. The Beatles, the Stones, new technology, disco (yuck)... you get the picture. Mr. Dawson, an excellent writer of numerous books, captured the essence and wonder of all that "new technology" perfectly in "Guinea Pigs." Back them, we were willing to try anything new - and usually did - oftentimes with unintentionally hilarious results. Mr. Dawson took me back to those wondrous times perfectly; I related easily to his experiences and laughed out loud a lot. My own children, currently 27, 19, and 16 have no earthly idea what we "guinea pigs" of the '70s and '80s went through so today's youth can have their TI programmable calculators, ultra-slim laptops, Bluetooth earbuds, online banking, GPS systems, iPhones, Xbox Ones, atomic alarm clocks, and every other modern convenience they take for granted. In fact, I'm going to suggest that my kids read this. Sorry, I need to end this review because the 8-Track player just ate my "Band On the Run" tape..., jeez. Do yourself a favor and get Mr. Dawson's book. It's a quick read and brings those days of yesteryear into sharp focus with a great deal of humor. Trust me, you'll be glad you did.:


Get a copy today!!!!! Guinea Pigs of the 70's and 80's.

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