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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Biden Executive orders WHO and Paris Accords


And just like that, we've rejoined the WHO (?) and the Paris Accords. The same WHO that said China had it under control and then it blew up in Italy. The same organization that was Johnny on the spot during the H1N1 epidemic. On the second one, Any one taken the time to read the accords? It is nothing but a huge washing machine. Reminds me of our own EPA. 100 billion from each nation to set up committee after committee with no authority to sanction nations that don't meet their goals. Nothing but a Ponzi scheme for those who want it on their resume. If you haven’t read them, take the time before making a decision.

We already have the ineffective UN. Why do we need to join two more agencies that only want our money and have no substance?

I’ll go back to WWII for an analogy. We didn’t need a world agency telling us to share information and technology. England was the first to effectively show the benefit of radar during the “Battle of Britain.” We embraced the idea. We worked very closely with Great Britain on hunting U-Boats and the rapidly changing tactics and technology that sent over 300 of them to depths. And then there’s the D-Day invasion of 6-6-1944. The amount of co-ordination and technological sharing was off the charts. Didn’t need a useless world organization telling the countries involved they needed to work together-they just did it! Who was involved? United States, Canada, Great Britain, France, Belgian, Czech, Dutch, New Zealand, Norway, Greek, Polish and Rhodesia. That is one helluva working alliance!  

Now, someone might pipe up about NATO. Valid point. NATO served a definitive purpose as it was an answer to the Warsaw Pact. But when it came to policing the world, the US took the brunt of the burden. Think of the Korean War, Kosovo, Libya and Somalia. How many NATO troops are stationed in S. Korea? What country was called upon to shore-up the UN forces in Somalia during their famine and civil war? Sadly, the US. It is a given that we need alliances, but like World War II, it must be a vibrant alliance where each country gives it all and not in name only.

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