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Sunday, January 24, 2021

COVID update we 1-24-2021


COVID 19 update 25,047,893 total cases, 417,390 deaths. New cases, 1,233,927, a decrease of, 337,654, -21% .23,231 deaths last week a decrease of, 1,723, 7%. Deaths per day, 1,414 since WE 4-19. Up 40 per day from last week. Deaths/day WE 1-24, 3,056. A decrease of 277/day. Six states still account for 24.685% of cases and 30% of deaths: NY, NJ, CT, CA, MA, WA. TX and FL 3,882,051 15% of cases and 60,022 deaths, 14%. It is the 4th leading cause of death in the US. Death rate versus known cases, US infection rate, 1.8736%, mortality rate, .1265%. States with the biggest increase over 10% from previous week: AK. accounts for an increase of 30 mortalities. US accounts for 26.032% of known cases and 20.276% of mortalities, worldwide. Comparison to other countries mortalities to population: Bosnia/Herz 1.0959%, Libya .2417%, England .1460%, Italy .1413%, US .1265%, Mexico, .1191%, Spain .1186%, Peru .1189%, France .1113%, Brazil .1033%. Sweden that didn’t shut down .1068%. Of the developed countries, Australia is holding steady with no new mortalities reported at 908. They’ve lost one person since qw-11-29-2020. These numbers come from the CDC and John Hopkins.


          Why do I post these numbers? Because I don’t buy into sensational headlines from any new source. I chose not to live in fear from what some bobblehead anchor wants to spout off. Many times through our current crisis I have heard glaring and contradictory misinformation from supposed, informed media sources..  

          US recovery rate of those testing positive is 98.12%. NY had a drop of 5% new cases per week, CA, decrease 5%, TX  and FL saw a 2% drop in new cases from last week.

          The current debate is the distribution of the vaccine. You can’t deliver what you don’t have. Even with the “War Powers Act” in-acted, it takes time for the manufactures to gear up. They first had to develop a working a vaccine which took nine months. A company doesn’t invest tens of millions in production until they know they have a working formula. It too the US two years to start churning out the implements of war during WWII. Ford claimed they would churn out a bomber an hour. They did achieve that goal in 1945, three years after being awarded the B-24 contract. This is something the media can’t grasp their pin head opinions around. Take for example the Liberty Ships. When construction began, it took 244 to build one. Over time and improved techniques, the number dropped to 43 days. Didn’t happen overnight. It took time. Warfare weapons can be battle tested and analyzed to increase performance and reliability. With a vaccine, that isn’t an option. It’s right or it isn’t. From what I’ve read on the RNA process, there is no room for error. And think of how many people must be trained to oversee the process making sure it is 100% safe. So, do you want it right now or do you want it right? I prefer the later.  

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