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Monday, March 1, 2021

WGN Newsnation is struggling for survival. Looks like thier going to join the dinosaurs. And, Tucker gets schooled


          Couple of other notes on the news front. WGN is going for a hail marry and Newsnation is not even a year old. Their ratings, to say the least are pathetic. "All in the Family Reruns" are doing better than them. I guess three hours of news wasn't enough, so let's expand it by two hours and add three new shows. Berlie, Donlon and Banfield. They say they want to have a conversation. Kinda of hard when it's only going to be one way. And they started adding hip music between breaks, just like FOX. Yeah, I'm tuning in to hear their music selection-not. They had a good idea but the execution has been dismal. They might make it another six months, but unlikely.

          On another front, it doesn't happen often but tonight, Tucker Carlson got schooled. I usually expect that from Hannity when he has a guest on with differing views. But tonight, Tucker wasn't prepared and his guest, David Tafuri took it to him. It's true they have differing views, but when you start trying to change someone's mind, you better be ready. Tucker wasn't on this one

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